The Dos and Don'ts of Hockey Practice: Maximizing Your Time on the Ice

Practice, as they say, makes perfect. But the quality of that practice plays a vital role in your progression as an athlete. Hockey, with its balance of skill, agility, and strategy, requires a thoughtful approach to practice sessions. Here, we've compiled essential dos and don'ts to ensure you make the most of your time on the ice.


1. Listen to Your Coach

Your coach is the guiding star of your hockey journey. Their experience, insight, and guidance are invaluable. Always pay full attention when they speak, and try to incorporate their feedback into your gameplay.

2. Ask Questions

If you're unsure about a drill, strategy, or feedback, don't hesitate to ask. Seeking clarity not only benefits you but also helps your teammates who might have the same doubts.

3. Come with the Right Attitude

Your mindset when entering the rink can set the tone for the entire session. Approach each practice with a positive attitude, openness to learn, and the intent to improve.

4. Give Your Best Effort

Practice is the foundation upon which match-day performance is built. By giving your best during drills and scrimmages, you ensure that you're well-prepared for actual game situations.

5. Stay Hydrated and Well-Nourished

Your physical well-being is crucial. Ensure you're adequately hydrated, and consider light, energy-boosting snacks before practice.


1. Don't Distract Others

Remember, everyone is here to learn and improve. Avoid unnecessary chatter during drills, and always be respectful of others' focus and time.

2. Don't Skip Warm-ups or Cool-downs

They might seem routine, but these elements of practice are vital for injury prevention and muscle recovery. Never underestimate their importance.

3. Don't Be Discouraged by Mistakes

Mistakes are a natural part of growth. Instead of getting downhearted, analyze what went wrong, seek feedback, and focus on doing better next time.

4. Don't Compare Yourself Unfairly to Others

Every player has a unique journey and pace of development. While it's good to be inspired by others, avoid unfair comparisons that can dent your confidence.

5. Don't Forget Your Equipment

It might sound basic, but ensuring you have all your equipment—properly maintained and in good condition—is essential for an effective and safe practice session.

Hockey practice is more than just time spent on the ice—it's an opportunity to refine skills, develop strategy, and build teamwork. By adhering to these dos and don'ts, you can ensure that every practice session propels you closer to your goals and elevates your love for the game.

At Katz Bros, we offer a wide range of group sessions to help you improve your practice skills. Take a look at our training page and sign up for a session that is best fit for you!


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