The Katz Bros Way: A Deeper Look at Jordan Katz's Hockey Training Philosophy

Today, we are going to talk about a subject near and dear to all of us - our very own founder, Jordan Katz, his hockey journey, and the exceptional training philosophy that's the beating heart of Katz Bros Hockey.

An Educator On and Off the Ice

Growing up in the Greater Toronto Hockey League (GTHL), Jordan Katz cut his teeth on AAA hockey, fostering a passion for the sport that would go on to shape his future. After completing his Master of Education, Jordan took on the noble profession of teaching, carrying his love for guiding young minds from the classroom to the ice rink.

With a decade of hockey coaching under his belt, Jordan has fused his educational background with his love for the sport, crafting a unique approach to hockey training that transcends the confines of the rink. Teaching hockey, for him, is about more than skill development; it's about nurturing a generation of players who embody the spirit of sportsmanship, mental toughness, and positive thinking.

Training Philosophy: More Than Just a Game

At Katz Bros Hockey, we aim to create an environment that doesn't just produce great hockey players, but well-rounded individuals who thrive in any setting. It is this philosophy of inclusion, development, and a strong work ethic that has driven Jordan Katz to create a system that values personal growth just as much as technical skill.

Jordan places heavy emphasis on fostering a strong work ethic, a trait that extends beyond the ice, serving his players in every aspect of life. His coaching style seeks to imbue his players with a positive mindset and a determination that will see them overcome any obstacle. His drive to develop sportsmanship and mental toughness stems from his belief that hockey is not only a physical game but a mental one as well.

Building Character and Community

In addition to his focus on individual growth, Jordan’s dedication to community development shines through his extensive work outside regular training sessions. His four non-profit spring hockey camps, the 3v3 league, and summer camps, all seek to offer accessible and engaging opportunities for young players to develop their skills while fostering a strong community spirit.

His efforts have seen numerous players ascend to higher levels in the sport, a testament not only to the effectiveness of his training techniques but also to the atmosphere of hard work and enjoyment he instills in his camps and leagues.

The Katz Bros Experience

Through his years of coaching, Jordan Katz has formed the essence of the Katz Bros training approach: to develop players who are resilient, fair, and tough, who respect their opponents and who love the game. His ultimate goal is to instill a sense of responsibility in his players, empowering them to become positive contributors to the hockey community and beyond.

At Katz Bros Hockey, we believe that with a positive mindset, commitment to hard work, and a nurturing environment, every player can reach their full potential. It’s not just about creating skilled athletes; it’s about raising the leaders of tomorrow.

To learn more about Jordan and the rest of our coaching staff, visit our about section.


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